ARCHITECTUS HICH provides professional architectural design services, ensuring your planning applications and drawings for builders to use for construction are expertly drafted to realise your aspirations.

Locally listed house proposed plan
Locally listed house proposed plan
Locally listed house proposed elevation
Locally listed house proposed elevation
Locally listed house proposed section
Locally listed house proposed section

We approach projects with no preconceptions, but rather study the local context in the first instance and then develop the design proposals to be sympathetic with the surroundings. We believe this is a good strategy to adopt in navigating through the planning process.

Every project is unique with a set of specific site contexts, plan layouts, use of building materials and different client requirements. So, we aim to focus on innovative solutions that enhance functionality and aesthetics by engaging you throughout the design stages, ensuring a seamless process from concept to completion. Whether the development proposals involves alterations to existing buildings or ambitions for the construction of new buildings, ARCHITECTUS HICH can help develop and optimise the potential of properties.

Granting of planning consent by the local planning authority is a milestone. Following this achievement, ARCHITECTUS HICH offers experienced technical services to further develop the design proposals through to detail design. The detail information produced will provide essential design information to help contractors build the proposals.